- 1979
- born in Burglengenfeld, Germany
- 2000
- begins studies at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts
- 2006
- Erasmus scholarship at the Manchester Metropolitan
University, UK
- Fanny-Carlita-Stiftung
- 2007
- first state examination in Art Pedagogy
- »Meisterschüler« at Prof. Günther Förg
- 2008
- diploma of Fine Arts
- artist in residence, Hospitalfield, Scotland
- studio founding of the city council Munich
- 2009
- debutant sponsorship BBK
- European art scholarship, Stettin, Poland
- Project-funding by
Prinzregent-Luitpold-Stiftung, Munich
Karin-Abt-Straubinger-Stiftung, Stuttgart
Steiner-Stiftung, Munich
- DAAD one-year scholarship, Dundee, Scotland
- 2010
- Master of Fine Art at the Duncan of Jordanstone
College of Art and Design, Dundee, Scotland
- 2011
- studio founding of the State of Bavaria